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KINDER (4 - 5 Years)

Our kindergarten teacher and support team are there to guide your child to prepare them for the next exciting stage of their educational journey. Children at this age are emerging as confident, independent little people with their own thoughts and ideas about the world around them.

We see first-hand the growth in confidence when a child’s own unique interests and skills can be identified, encouraged and allowed to flourish. Each day is filled with stimulating activities to build on their skills and prepare them for transitioning into the primary school environment.



We focus on laying the foundations for ongoing education and wellbeing from an early age. Our Kinder Program encourages curiosity, wonder and awe.

Wellbeing in our kinder program is founded on these principles.  Children are encouraged to understand the ideas of ‘Being, Becoming and Belonging’. This results in an awareness of their existing relationships – with parents, the community and their peers around them. We place a high emphasis on our environment both indoors and outdoors, to ensure that there are opportunities for children to explore, discover and engage in learning.

The children have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities which are on offer as part of the kinder program with each day involving indoor learning discovery, outdoor learning exploration, collaboration at group times and progressive mealtimes. As part of the Sentia kindergarten program, your child will develop skills and enjoy play in a safe and happy environment. The weekly program includes:                            

  • Musical Minds

  • Science with Ms Amanda

  • Age appropriate and interest based activities

  • Yoga

  • Daily opportunities for outdoor play experiences

  • Intentional teaching experiences based on the needs, age and interests of the children

  • Educational excursions within our local community


  • Breakfast

  • Morning Group Time (where we introduce the day and date, weather chart, and choose our daily helpers)

  • Books and stories are an essential part of our day, as well as transition games and songs.

  • Morning Tea

  • Outdoor Program

  • Activity related to a relevant topic/theme.

  • Lunch

  • Rest Time

  • Afternoon group time is for the children to present, show and share with their friends, as well as introduce, expand or investigate current concepts and new ideas.

  • Afternoon Tea

  • Indoor Play (where children engage with one another in a variety of play whether assisted, in a group, or independently before home time).