KINDER (3 - 4 Years)
This is a wondrous year for children as their emotional and language skills develop. They learn to explore their feelings and become more interested in making friends and playing with other children. Their imagination is bursting, and this is where we often see role-playing become more imaginative. As educators, we look for those teachable moments and happily encourage the ‘why’ questions! We tailor our Kinder program to support this enquiry and this allows children’s minds to open and absorb information that comes their way. We just love the personalities that fill our rooms each day.
Our program is derived from the children’s interests and supports their development based on age appropriate milestones. We promote learning through a holistic, play-based approach based on teaching intentions and goals. We focus on particular topics children want to learn and we explore these through a variety of mediums in which they can relate, learn and converse.
We fill our days with creating plenty of fun and different experiences including messy play, construction, pretend play, stories, counting, songs and small group activities.
Supporting a child's emotional, social physical and cognitive development, helps them to learn and grow as individuals. Improving and nurturing independence and self regulation skills, helps them prepare for transitioning into 4-5 year old kinder.
Free Play / Child Selected Experiences
Group Time
Morning Tea
Outdoor Play / Activities
Group Time
Quiet Time
Outdoor Play
Afternoon Tea
Indoor Play
Teacher initiated activities are introduced during morning and afternoon activities.